Terms of Use

By using https://www.getlocalsupport.org (the "Site") you are agreeing to be bound to the following terms. These terms of service were last updated April 21st 2020.

Using GetLocalSupport.org as an Organisation

By using https://www.getlocalsupport.org (the "Site") you (the “Organisation") are agreeing to be bound to the following terms.


The Intellectual property rights for the volunteer matching service being provided remains the property of the Site and that no one else has any control or ownership of it. The Organisation is granted with a perpetual right to use the software.

With regards to data, the Organisation will own their data that is added by them and the Site will be responsible as a data processor for the protection of that data by ensuring it is encrypted in storage and stored at AWS solely.

The site treats all data with confidence and data regarding the Organisation will not be shared without permission.

Ownership of Data

Volunteer data and Request data entered by the Organisation is entirely owned by the Organisation.

Other data that includes, but is not limited to, requests, audits, actions, trouble tickets and other data is owned by the Site.

Data is stored on Amazon Web Services infrastructure, which complies with regulatory standards PCI and HIPAA. All data is encrypted with 256-bit symmetric keys.

Data Backup

All data is backup once every 24 hours using Amazon Web Services. We will retain backups for 7 days.

Access of Data

The Organisation will be able to access data from volunteers and any requests that their volunteers have accepted.

The Site commits to having their website and data available 99.9% of any given year.


The Organisation can cancel their account at any time and will be actioned within 28 days. Account cancellation requests must be submitted via michael@goroadie.com. Cancellations by phone or sent via any other means will not be valid.

Using GetLocalSupport.org

You agree to use the Site only for lawful purposes. You must also use it in a way that does not infringe the rights of, or restrict or inhibit the use and enjoyment of, the Site by anyone else.

If you are deemed to be a "shielded" or "clinically extremely vulnerable" person by the government, you are aware that you are entitled to government support. By choosing to continue using the Site, you are doing so at your own discretion.

We update the Site regularly and can change or remove content at any time without notice.

You must provide your legal full name, a valid email address and phone number, and any other information requested in order to submit a request using the Site.

You use the Site at your sole risk. The service is provided "as is" and "as available" basis.

You must not modify, adapt or hack the Site.

We reserve the right to temporarily disable your account if your behaviour or usage significantly exceeds the average usage of other customers.


You are responsible for securing your account and password.

You are responsible for all interactions and activity that occurs under your account.

You must provide your legal full name, a valid email address and phone number, and any other information requested in order to complete the signup process.

Your login may only be used by one person – a single login shared by multiple people is not permitted. You may create separate logins for as many people as you’d like.

Accounts registered by "bots" or other automated methods are not permitted.

Verbal, physical, written or other abuse (including threats of abuse or retribution) of any Volunteer, Partner Organisation member or Site administrator will result in immediate account termination.


Volunteers agree to the above terms, as well as the organisation agreement they agree to during the sign up process.

Volunteers are not permitted to use their own vehicle to fulfil requests if they have not provided the required verification documents and been approved by their organisation.

Volunteers are not permitted to undertake additional tasks out with the initial request. Volunteers must direct the person making the request to the Site homepage to make a new request.